Sunday, December 02, 2007

The Self-Love Obsession

One of the things that really concerns me about modern society is what I call the "Self-Love Obsession".

Many people are solely concerned with being beautiful, feeling beautiful, being told they are beautiful, and acting like they know they are beautiful and that they think that everyone else knows it too. I partially blame movie makers and other forms of media that appeal to the narcissistic nature of young people. Behaving in this manner is wrongly glorified and portrayed in a desirable manner, especially for the vast majority of unthinking individuals that willingly soak it all in.

Many young girls are absolutely obsessed with wearing the "right" clothes, talking in the "right" way, having the "right" friends, owning the "right" material objects. I am at a bit of a loss at the Paris Hilton-esque vibe of so many young people. What makes them think they have the right to be such prima donna's when they clearly have no demonstrated talent anyway? Besides, the real appeal of a talented artist, or successful person is their ability to remain level-headed and well grounded in humble reality.

I think ultimately for many victims of the wrong-headed thinking that prevails in our youth, the real issue is that of insecurity. It is well known that many people who project confidence and self-love, really suffer from insecurity and self hate. Such individuals can also exhibit a kind of self destructive magnetism for all things negative, preferring insults to praise, while at the same time complaining that they don't get enough praise. It sounds like contradictory nonsense, but in such a persons mind, veracity of thought is not ever a consideration.

I read many things about the attitudes of generation Y, from the need to be constantly affirmed to the Y meaning whY care. One commentator suggests that accepting them entails accommodating their narcissistic tendencies, bolstering their egos, and learning to live with them. I disagree strongly with this sentiment, and believe that although it may seem fruitless for much of the time, opposing these behaviours while loving the person is the only way to help them grow towards being someone who others will both love and appreciate. Hopefully given time and the right kind of hard love, such a person can contribute in a positive way to society rather than continually draining everyone around them.

Do you love yourself in a healthy way or an unhealthy way?

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